giovedì 12 maggio 2011

Google Calendar stampa calendario annuale

A questo indirizzo:

ho trovato questo bellissimo articolo che spiega come stampare in un "batter di ciglia" il calendario di google da una data ad un'altra e quindi anche per l'intero anno.

How to Print a Year in Google Calendar

Have you ever wanted to print a couple of months—or howabout a full year of your Google Calendar all at once? For some reason, Google doesn’t have that option on their calendars, but it’s easy enough to do yourself.

This probably works in other browsers, but i haven’t tried—so first make sure you’re using Firefox. If you’re not, ask yourself if you should really be using the Internet at all. Or go here.

  1. Open up your Google Calendar
  2. Select the month you want to start from
  3. Click the Print icon near the top right of your calendar
  4. Choose “Save As” (this will create a PDF)
  5. Open your Firefox Download Manager (Control or Command + J is the keyboard shortcut)
  6. Right-click on the file in your list of downloads
  7. Choose “Copy Download Link”
  8. Paste that link into your Address Bar
  9. Find the dates (I’ve highlighted them in red) within the string (for example “[...]letter&dates=20100131%F20100307&ctz=America…”)
  10. Replace those dates with the date range you want to print
  11. Hit “Enter” on your keyboard

Bam! You can now download a PDF with separate pages for each month for whatever date range you want. Hopefully Google will update the calendar so that you can do it all a lot easier, but for now, this lets you print a yearly view of your Google Calendar without too much trouble.